Friday, June 7, 2013


   Prakash sharma
 Civil engineer
As engineering deals with principle of science and mathematics and their application for the efficient use of resources with care for the environment, so we can clearly develop an idea that knowledge on science (mostly on physics) is vital for any engineering field.
Today the world is growing rapidly in terms of innovative ideas, technology and there has taken place number of construction which is better and bigger than the previous one. All  these has been made possible through constant research ,hard work  and creative ideas which in turn has been achieved only through thorough knowledge and understanding of related subject matter. Considering the fact that there are different engineering branches and each one differs from other in the terms of subject matter and application of science principle (structural engineering uses mostly mechanics, hydropower engineering uses basically principles of hydraulics and so on) but nevertheless the theories of science studied by all the branches are same, they differ only in the depth of knowledge they require and content they are interested in.
Being a civil engineer it would be wise to mention the dependency of civil engineering with physics. Civil engineering is a professional discipline that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment, including works like roads, bridges, canals, dams, and buildings.
Road network is the fundamental construction for transportation and there is lots of physics in its design. Geometric elements of road such as sight distance, overtaking sight distance, horizontal curve etc are all designed according to physics based principles. Sight distance which is length of road visible ahead to the driver at any instance uses Newton’s laws of motion and energy conservation principles for its determination and therefore designer is always orientated to provide sufficient sight distance for stopping operation.
Physics principle are widely used during horizontal curve design as when a vehicle traverses a horizontal  curve , the centrifugal force acts horizontally outward through the CG of the vehicle. The centrifugal force is counteracted by the transverse frictional resistance developed between tires and the pavement which enables the vehicle to change the direction along the curve and to maintain stability of vehicle. In order to counteract the affect of centrifugal force and to reduce the tendency of vehicle to overturn or skid the outer edge of pavement is raised with respect to inner edge, thus providing transverse slope throughout the length of horizontal curve, this transverse slope is super elevation
                                    e + f= V² / 127R
So whenever possible super elevation is provided in the curve so that passenger in vehicle does not get jerked while traversing the curve. These things are well taken care during road design.
Further buildings analysis and design are completely based on mechanics principle. The forces and deformation on the building elements are found by principles of mechanics. Equilibrium equations are used to find the internal forces in any building elements. The resultant of number of forces in equilibrium is zero and the moment of resultant about any point is zero. It therefore follows that algebraic sum of moments of all the force about any point is zero when these forces are in equilibrium.
 ΣFx=0 , ΣFy=0 ,ΣM=0
These three equations form the basis of mechanics and structural engineering. Further during the transfer of forces Newton’s third laws of motion are used.  And hence all the structural elements are designed such that internal stresses that develop are well within their permissible limits and thus users can feel safe about their life and properties.
So at this point  we have become quite aware of the fact that physics forms the basis of the engineering and all these achievements that has been made possible today by engineers  demands major credit  to the physicists who have developed the platform for the engineers to work..

·         SK KHANNA – CEG JUSTO, 1987,Highway Engineering
·         NELKON & PARKER,2001,Advance level physics
·         GOKARNA BAHADUR MOTRA,2006, Strength of materials

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