Sunday, June 9, 2013

Rocking Earthquake of 2011-09-18

A New Day, A new Hope, but the fear of Earthquake the previous day was still hunting me and it might be hunting to many other people as well.  National Seismological Centre claimed that the 6.8-magnitude quake that hit almost all parts of the country was the biggest since 1934. Along with many destruction many people lost their life as well.  Life was like stopped in some point, phone lines were dead, electricity was cut and mind was blank. People say and talk about safety methods about the earthquake, but i realized, how helpless you get in front of Nature. Living in the narrow lanes of Patan was so scary, and hearing the sounds from the walls, roofs, seeing the mud coming down really scared me a lot. check these pictures out which i didn't click myself but thought that should keep it, 

Stay safe.....stay happy!!

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