Thursday, January 17, 2013

spontaneous thoughts....

I just wrote a note with the same title, and was in the course of tagging people, and poof, it disappeared! And it was a long one too. damn you facebook!
hmm.. quite an introduction, but seems frustration is getting hard to separate from hemoglobin. its always there!

Bottom Line: we cannot get rid of maoists or any other political parties (at least not in the short run), so what we have to do is make sure that they do what they are supposed to do (as elected representatives of the people)! Form a check and balance system. And as always, the underlying factor that will enable us to do that is not fingers but fist, and by fist I mean Unity. But if they ask for it, literally fist too!

As much as I hate the activities of the Maoists or any other political parties for that matter, I have to accept that there is little we can do about this in the short run. If we are united, and by god, if we can stay that way, we might as well form our own political party, but save this thought for later. For now, the thing of utmost urgency is the need for us to get together. Especially the call is to all the educated people who understand the calling, and its implications if we dont act. And once we are in the same page, we WILL find hundreds and thousands of people supporting us. And yes, you can mark these words. We just need to start, once the sparks ignited, believe me, its gonn be one hella wildfire!

We might not be able to achieve great things at once, but that is the path we will be heading. Nothing worth having comes easy: very very true! We need to come together and the things we can achieve as one is limitless. First: get more people involved. Second: follow up on the first, and form a governing body without making anyone feel less. Third: Taking steps inside the diplomatic world. Fourth: When the numbers are large enough, we might actually be able to initiate, facilitate, and hopefully also mediate the agreement negotiation discussions among these people. Remember, they will be the ones to form the agreement, but we will be the ones to mediate it, and follow through to make sure that they do what they said they would do! These are all hypothetical situations, but all the successful experiments did start out as a hypothesis. Think and tell me if this is not possible.

Hmm.. lets see whats the best example I can use to show you what a fist can do..bam! The hundreds of thousands of Maoists supporters in Kathmandu, just in Kathmandu!! Giving respective thoughts to their activities, the mass organisation of their supporters (willingly or forcefully) is really something. We dont even have to use force, unless it is coming out of our vocal cords. It is a live fcuking lesson to us, thats what we call a bi*ch slap right on the face! For heavens sake, these people are not even from the Valley. And we, the people in the city are having to live in their fear. I just laughed at the thought, but now it hurts!

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